Do I have to be a certain age to join?

Peaceful Perimenopause is geared towards women in their 40’s and 50’s, however, I truly believe it’s never too early or too late to gain control of your health!

What if I am not sure that I am in perimenopause or even know anything about perimenopause, can I still join?

Yes! You are not alone if you aren’t quite sure if you’re in perimenopause or know much about it...because the fact is, no one is talking about it! Peaceful Perimenopause was born from this very notion and is designed to help you gain clarity on where you’re at, and more importantly what you can do about it!

Will I get access to all the materials the moment I purchase the program?

Yes! You will get lifetime access to all of the materials the moment you purchase the program. I recommend completing the course over two weeks at a time so you can actually do the homework, implement the changes and discuss the week’s topic within the private group and/or the LIVE coaching calls for Peaceful Perimenopause group program.

I thrive off accountability, do you provide that in Peaceful Perimenopause?

Yes! I know that some people are much more motivated when they check in with someone else regularly. There are a few options depending on what program you choose. If you go with the self-paced program, you will have access to a private group to check in each week, ask questions and get coaching from me. If you select the Peaceful Perimenopause Group Coaching option, you will have access to the private group, bi-weekly LIVE coaching calls with an intimate group of other health-conscious women, and a 1-on-1 call with me during the program.

How long is the program?

You have lifetime access to the Peaceful Perimenopause content which means you get to self-pace your learning. You can go as fast or as slow as you would like depending on how busy you are or what you have going on.

The 6 LIVE group coaching calls and on-on-one sessions will occur within 12 weeks from the first coaching call the Peaceful Perimenopause Group option.

How much time does it take each week?

The learning is self-paced, but each module is no longer than 45 minutes (broken up within a few videos). Some weeks have more “homework” than others, but you are the one that will determine how much time it takes. You are responsible for choosing to put yourself (and not everyone else's needs) first.

As part of the Peaceful Perimenopause Group option, there will be 6 LIVE calls every other week that last around an hour that take place on Zoom.

What is the LIVE group coaching schedule?


What if I’m busy and don’t have time to follow the program week after week?

The course material is self-paced, so if you miss a week, you can catch up at any time! If you miss a LIVE coaching call within group (or want to watch the replay) you will have access to all of the call recordings within your course.

Does this include 1:1 coaching?

Inside Peaceful Perimenopause, you have 24/7 access to me to ask any and every question you have about your unique journey within the private group. Just learning content isn’t enough, and in Peaceful Perimenopause you will never have to try to figure out how to apply the content you are learning to your journey on your own.

And because all the individualized coaching is done via group coaching calls and in our private group, you will not only be able to receive personalized coaching for your questions but also will receive incredible value from the question and coaching of other members in the group.

As a member of the Peaceful Perimenopause Group, you will also receive a 1-on-1 coaching session with Allison during the program.

Who is the perfect client for this program?

The perfect client is someone who is tired of feeling stuck in their current situation and is ready to take ACTION in order to get a different result. Those who are open, coachable, and ready to do the work will thrive inside of Peaceful Perimenopause.

Can you guarantee my results?

My role is to support and assist you in reaching your goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, participation, and implementation of the recommended steps toward achieving your goals. However, if you aren’t fully satisfied with the program, I have a 30-Day no-risk refund policy.

When will you offer Peaceful Perimenopause again?

I’ve spent so much time figuring out how to provide maximum value for the members NOW, I haven’t set a date for when we’ll open the doors next! Unable to make it this round? Get on the Waitlist to be the first to hear about the next offering.

Not sure what’s right for you?
Schedule a free phone call where we can get clear
on what’s the best fit for you and your life!